Monday, January 27, 2014

Can I not just be a citizen of the world?

I do not understand why the UK has to be so stingy about South Africans visiting their country. I mean all I want is to intern there for a few months but I can't because I am not a part of whatever elite countries are allowed that privilege. Like, what are they afraid of? It's not like I plan to rock up there with a South African flag, stick it in the ground and claim the land as my own.

Come on England, help a sister out. Although I do also blame the South African government for not sorting itself out. They are not a part of all these agreements and things which would let me travel the world as I wish. And I know independence is great, but if we were still under British rule, this would not be a problem.

A part of me now plans to be an illegal immigrant, and swim from the top of Africa to the UK and somehow create a fake British identity for myself. I will then speak with a fake British accent for the duration of my stay or claim that I am the daughter of some famous African prince (it should work, right?)

So that's me, ranting about the world and its problems, and it honestly didn't help much.

That's all, Bye! :)

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My fear of Snails

So, people who know me very well are aware that I have and extremely irrational (I don't think it's irrational but everyone else does) fear of snails. And by fear I don't mean that I get slightly creeped out, I mean that I scream, cry, run and sometimes die a little. I really try to act normal and not freak out when I come across a random snail, but I really can't keep calm. It's like every little cell in my brain is thinking: "Get the hell out of here before this seemingly harmless and slow moving creature unleashes it's true harmfulness, speed and strength and kills you" (yes, I honestly believe that snails just put on an act and that when no one is looking they become these completely menacing creatures.)

I guess it all started when we lived in the south coast of Kwa-Zulu Natal a few years ago. 

A map that shows Kwa-Zulu Natal if you are not from South Africa, or if you need a reference. 

We only lived there for about three months, but it was more than enough time for me to realize that I had a massive fear of snails. The thing about the South Coast, is that it is always humid which means that it always rains, which means that it is always moist and therefore there are always snails. And when I say always, I mean always, like they are everywhere almost all  the time (especially at night) they just roam around all over the place and it is literally the scariest thing on earth.

So, now you know why I am afraid of snails. To be honest, if I could not be afraid of snails, I would take that option and be chummies with those terrifying mollusks but I am afraid, so I will (for the rest of my life) avoid any place in the world that has even a slight snail problem.

That's all, Bye! :)

P.S One of the things on my bucket list is to eat escargot and I have a fear that it will not turn out well, and I have a feeling that it will only worsen my fear of snails.

Monday, January 20, 2014

My Bucket List

I think that bucket lists are a great way to ensure that you do all the things you want to do in your life. They make sure that you set goals for yourself and that you know exactly what you want to do before you die.I have made myself a bucket list, part of which I hope to fulfill this year (my gap year) so here it is:

  • Go to the Eiffel tower
  • Create my own film (Direct or write)
  • Go to the Oscars some way or another(or the BAFTAs)
  • Publish a poem
  • Write a book (and hopefully publish it)
  • Save a life
  • Eat escargot (I have a huge fear of snails)
  • Spend one week travelling in a camper van
  • Learn a European language (not English)
  • Visit the Hollywood walk of fame
  • Get a university degree (in anything)
  • Get 500 people to read (and hopefully) enjoy Frankenstein

This is just a few of the many things that I want to do and achieve and I think that with hard work (mostly for the money to do these things) I will be able to do most of them and a lot more. 

And here are some random pictures that will inspire you to do things :)


That's all, bye! :)

Johannesburg is actually quite beautiful

I have always known that Johannesburg is an amazing city, but I was never really sure about its beauty. Today we were working on a promotional shoot for a TV show and our location had an amazing view of the Johannesburg skyline.  I find it intriguing that a city which is considered harsh and unforgiving could be so beautiful.

It reminds me of when I watch international TV shows and they always have a view of the skylines in the big cities and one can immediately tell where it was shot. In Johannesburg the distinguishable Johannesburg tower serves the similar purpose in identifying the city as the empire state building in New York, The Eiffel Tower in Paris, the London Bridge in London or that really really tall building in Dubai.

This is not my picture by the way (

This is the one I took, it's not that great because I din't have a great camera with me but you get the point.

I wish more people were appreciative of my home city and that they didn't just see it as a crime ridden- money making machine (which it is, but there is so much that people don't see.)

That's all, Bye :) 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Winding Roads and Highways

I often sit and wish that life was just an open road, not a highway, but one of those slow, winding roads that head to the middle of nowhere. You see, a highway, would be too noisy and there would be to many people heading in the same direction, or in the opposite direction. Highways are just straight roads with relatively few turns and it seems as if no one acknowledges anything while they’re on the highway except time.
I feel that winding roads are more timeless, especially if you are driving up and or down a mountain. You can never be sure what’s around the next curve and more often than not, it is a view that exceeds the one you left behind.
What I’m getting at is that we all need to take that little break once in a while, where we take the longer route. We should not think about the fact that the highway will get us there faster, but we should rather focus on the fact that we are getting there at all and the winding road is a far more pleasant way to get there.
A road that leads into the Franschhoek Valley in the Western Cape, South Africa

That's all, bye! :)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Curbing internet addictions.

Being the opportunist that I am, I am actually going to take this year and use it as rehab from my growing internet addiction. I think I should make it an opportunity for me to actually do stuff that actually requires physical human action, rather than just sitting behind a screen and watching YouTube videos (I'm not even ashamed to admit that I spend more time than I should on YouTube.)

Anyway, I think I should create a sort of resolution/Goals/plans list for this year so that I have an actual plan of action. so here it is, my list of things that I should do to be less addicted to the internet :)

  1. Do Instagram worthy things, that way, the things I upload on Instagram will actually be worth seeing. 
  2. Spend as little time in the house as possible i.e: go to the park and just sit there and look at nature and stuff (this can also add to my list of "Instagram-worthy" things)
  3. Do something active whenever I get bored (this does not mean that I should train for a marathon but you know do something)
  4. Travel to anywhere whenever I get the chance, even if it is to the shop down the road *insert "it's something" meme here*
  5. Do things that are (extremely) out of my comfort zone so that I have more stories to tell when I am old and grey
  6. And finally, just. have. fun
So that's my plan for the year, we'll see how long it lasts and whether it helps at all in curbing my internet addiction, or if it actually gives me something worthwhile to post on the internet. 

That's all, bye! :)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Daydreamer By Adele

I have always loved this song and what makes me love it even more is when My roommate and I did a cover of it. It was not very professional or anything but we were very happy of how it turned out. So here it is, listen to it and tell me what you think. (My roommate is singing by the way not me, I cannot sing to save my life, which adds to the long list of things that I am not talented at.)

Also, subscribe to our channel here (this is for the channel that I made with my roommates last year.) and here for my personal channel.

That's all, bye :)

"The Intern"

So I started my internship earlier this week, which has been great. It is amazing to wake up in the morning and to not have to go to school. I kind of feel like a grown up an all, which means that I should probably start making good decisions and stuff (probably not gonna happen.)

Its strange because now I am referred to by my colleagues and supervisors as "The Intern", and strangely it gives me a sense of belonging (is that weird?) I always though that it would take ages for me to even get used to the idea of working but everyone here is really great and it makes it a whole lot easier.

It is an amazing learning experience and I don't think I would mind being "The Intern" forever. I have already mastered the skill of looking like I'm working, so I'm obviously on the right track.

This is a very bad picture of the one half of my desk that actually has stuff and my very small baby laptop (isn't he cute? and yes I did use a filter, sue me.)

That's all, bye! :)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Reverse video

I made a really cool video a while ago where i just filmed random things and put them in reverse. It was a lot of fun to make, and I know that the quality is pretty crap but it was fun and that's all that matters. Seeing as I want to go into the film and/or TV industry, it's really cool for me to play around with filming and editing stuff and its also an amazing way to pass the time. So go and watch it on YouTube and like it or whatever, share and all that jazz. :)

Also, I am thinking of actually doing more stuff on YouTube, it seems like a really great hobby. 

That's all, Bye! :)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Gap Year Blogging

Seeing as I have decided to take a gap year, I think it is only fitting that I document the happenings (is that a word?) of my year on the Internet for random strangers to hopefully come across and see. This is not going to be a glamorous year of traveling and holidaying (it's a word) but it will be a year of hard work and amazing experiences (hopefully)

Most of my year is not planned except that I will be doing an internship in South Africa (my native country) for two months and then I will be flying off to the land of tea and crumpets (England). I plan to do a million-and-one workshops and courses so that I can make the most of this year and add to my extremely empty resume. 

Gap years aren't particularly common in South Africa (at least I don't think so), but they are becoming more and more usual so at least I won't be alone on this daunting yet extremely exciting journey. 

Anyways, this blog will just be a space for me to share my thoughts and experiences and, yeah. 

That's all, bye! :)