Saturday, June 28, 2014

Film Fridays: Gone With The Wind

Today is Saturday, and actually the end of Saturday, but it could not wait. This being said, I actually could have done this yesterday (on Friday) but I decided to not fulfill my responsibilities, as per ushe. Before I start with anything, I would like to confess that I had never in my life watched Gone With The Wind , and I watched it for the first time on Thursday and speechless.

I mean speechless in the sense that I sat for about 5 minutes after the movie had finished just staring blankly at nothing. Those ten minutes were then followed by a 30 second crying session after which I decided that anything that I have ever fought for in my life is not half as worthy as what others fight for.

In my opinion, good films have a few key characteristics. I came up with these out of my own head so, give me credit for that.

  1. Good films can move you to feel the most intense form of whatever emotion you are experiencing at the time, and this may only be temporary but it happens. 
  2. Good films inspire a certain willingness in you to do something. You're inspired to change something about yourself or to change something about something else.
  3. Good films are easy to understand, or extremely complex, I do not think that there is an in between. A bit of both, maybe, but never an in between.
  4. Good films make you experience some form of internal conflict about the issues or themes that are brought up in the film

These are just some opinions of my own because it is my blog so I can voice my opinions about the things that I like. Gone With The Wind had every single one of these characteristics and more, like hundreds and thousands more. 

I would also like to confess that I Clarke Gable is the love of my existence and he was not only the ideal man, but possibly the the ideal human being. Actually, I do not know what he was like in person, but as a character he is extremely likable because he portrayed a real human, with real human emotions going through real human strife. So I guess this is more about the character but same difference. 

I don't think that I have actually said that much about the film but the general idea is that it is amazing and it will leave you feeling things... lots and lots of things (most of which are feels).

That's All, Bye! :) 

Friday, June 27, 2014

How to South African

Seeing as I am South African, I have decided to create a youtube series where I just teach people how to South African (it's a verb).

Give it a watch, like, subscribe and share and all that jazz.

That's all, Bye! :) x

Monday, June 23, 2014

The romantic in me

There are very few things that bring out the romantic in me and although I try hard to deny it, there is a deep rooted part of me that cannot help but be romantic. I don't mean romantic in the sappy sense, I mean it in the sense that pertains the artistic era.To a certain extent I believe in revolt against the system, the plight of human condition and other such causes related to the romanticism of human kind.

I have compiled a list of various things that bring out this romantic side that I often try to subside. Although increasingly I find that I subside it a lot less and I am actually beginning to publicly admit my love for romance and slowly denouncing my affiliation to modernist ideals (one could be a bit of both though, right?)

So here it is, a list of literature and films that bring out the romantic in me:

  1. Casablanca
  2. Frankenstein (In a weirdly gothic way)
  3. The Picture of Dorian Dray (In a weirdly gothic way)
  4. It Happened One Night
  5. Jane Eyre
  6. A tale of Two Cities (Which I have just finished reading)
  7. The Great Gatsby (although it is modernist, it still gives me the Romance feels)
  8. The Reader
  9. Schindler's list
  10. The Breakfast Club
I am sure that I will continue to discover many more but these are just a few that pop into mind.

That's all, Bye! :) x


One of my goals for this year, besides becoming more cultured and experiencing the world, is to write more (hence this blog.) But I feel as though there is a lot more writing that I could do, and not just for myself but for other people to read and criticize or praise.

So I have created another blog (what??? two blogs?) where I will just post some of the poetry that I have written and I will try and post a new poem every week. It will be easy for the first few weeks because I have some poems that I have already written in advance so my job  -for now- is just pressing the post button.

Go and check it out, criticize comment and praise to your hearts content!
That's all, Bye! :)x

Monday, June 16, 2014

Youth Day

I realise that I have been neglecting my duties of blog writing for a bit but I will make it up by writing about some of the cool stuff that I have been doing. But today's post is specially dedicated to youth day because it is youth day. Essentially it is a day that is celebrated in South Africa to commemorate the part that was played by the youth to end the apartheid regime and the educational system that came with it.

This day is significant not only because of our history but because of our future, because the future of the country is in our hands (I say our because I am a youth too.)

The country is also celebrating 20 years of freedom so it is all the more amazing. I think that milestones like these are what will help us as South Africans to realise just how far we have come, but also that we still have extremely far to go before the country has reached its full potential. I realise that this all sounds super cliched but it is honestly the truth and sometimes we forget these cliched things so I am just reminding us.

I uploaded a video onto my channel about youth day, it doesn't really go into much detail it was just a fun way for me to speak about my fears of the youth of today, but also the potential that we have. Click here to see my video and I hope you like it. :)

That's all, Bye!