Thursday, September 4, 2014

Plans and things

Now that I have caught my breath after a crazy amazing fortnight in London, I can give this here blog a little update (note that the incorrect grammar is purposeful.)

It is the most surreal and strange feeling knowing that I am going to be leaving in two weeks so I actually have to say goodbye to people. I have been planning a sort of farewell type thing just so that I can see people and say thank you to them personally for having me in their wonderful country and making my stay here an absolute blast. I also have to stop myself from becoming weirdly sentimental about everything, which I am doing a horrific job at.

Lets just make a leap to a completely different, slightly shudder inducing, topic shall we?... University

Throughout the course of this year I have always had universities and the like in the back of my mind and I have been constantly tracking applications and doing whatever research needed to be done. the next step for me is to do an interview and a portfolio for Wits, which is my first choice. This is slightly nerve racking but I think that if I just sit down and finish it off (I started quite a while ago) it should all be fine.

On a slightly less worrying note, I have been accepted to my second and third choices so there is always that. These choices being Rhodes university and University of Pretoria which are located in Grahamstown and Pretoria respectively.

Also coming to the surface now is what I will do when I get back to the land of my people (take that and do with it what you will.) I will probably do some work, by some I mean a lot, to save up for Uni and just to get that little bit of extra experience. I will also just spend some time with my family just to catch up on where we all are at in life.

I realise that this post is mostly just me speaking about plans and such, but its kind of nice because now I have to follow through with it seeing as I have written it down and shared it with people. Who knew that this blog would serve a dual purpose?

That's all, Bye! :)x

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