Friday, April 11, 2014

Film Fridays: Frozen

Seeing as I want to go into the film industry, like with all my existence. I thought it would be good for me to start reviewing movies for fun because, that's what people do nowadays: they do/see/listen to/eat something, and then they immediately have to have an opinion about it, and no surprise, I am one of those.

I know it is a bit late but I recently watched Frozen and can I just say: so many feels! Literally my emotions were not under my control during that movie and I felt like my spirit was in the characters and I could feel all that they felt. I died so many times, and was reincarnated so many times only to die again and at the end I was resurrected.

I have always loved animated films and frozen was like everything that I have ever wanted in a movie and can I just say that the music pieces......  who? What? And how? I always have the soundtrack stuck in my head and it is kind of like the sound track of my life, well my life isn't that eventful and fairy tale like but a girl can dream right. Like they say if you want to be it dream it (this has nothing to do with anything but, okay??)

I give frozen 4/5 because it is possibly one of the most amazing animated films I have seen, but it is not quite The Lion King(nothing can ever compare to The Lion King). Also, Olaf is everything I have been looking for in a snowman friend. Like he is just the coolest dude there ever was and I strive to one day be as cool (please laugh) as he is.

If you haven't yet watched it, you best be watching it at this current instant because you need to and it will enrich your life And yeah. And you should also know that "the cold never bothered me anyway" (a part of me knew that quoting the movie would not in anyway enhance this post but I had to because that is just how I do things)

That's all, Bye! :)

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