Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Common White Girl Tag

I realise that this is long overdue and that the trend is most probably over, but I didn't get a chance to do one so here it is: 

Favorite Starbucks drink?

We don't have starbucks in South Africa, so I have never tasted it, but I assume the double thing triple cara- coffee choc ugg boot laté thing that every one always orders in like movies and stuff. 

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

Not that long actually I mean like 15 minutes (excluding the time it takes me to shower.)

How many selfies do you take on a daily basis?

I would take a lot more if my dumbass phone had one of those inward facing cameras, but even so, I take more selfies than I am proud to say.

How many IG followers and pics do you have?

Like 3 maybe 4 on a good day, speaking of which: http://instagram.com/nomnommy3

Do you ever say “LOL” or “OMG” out loud?

Literally all the time, not so much OMG but LOL is my go to especially when people say something that they think is funny but really isn't and then I feel kinda bad for not laughing so I say LOL and chuckle awkwardly and then I tell a funnier story. 

Do you wear the same clothing item more than once?

Jeans yeah, but not like everyday. I'll wear a pear of jeans on Monday and then maybe like again next week Wednesday sort of thing. But shirts and other clothes, No.

Are you racist?

Not at all. I love all people (like everyone) but British people have preference, then South Africans, but that's not exactly a race of people is it? 

How many tweets do you have?

3209, I used to have more but I went through my archive and deleted some of the irrelevant sh*t I used to say.

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Exhibit A: I mean big letter, small letter. Really? REALLY???
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Exhibit B: Spelling was obviously not a priority of mine. And why do I yell at the end, like what is... I... Where... why????

Instagram, Twitter, or Tumblr?

Twitter> Tumblr > Instagram

What do you spend most of your time doing?

Honestly, probably on the Internet doing nothing really.

Who are your favorite YouTubers?

Grace Helbig, Jacksgap, Kingsley, Trey Melvin, RWJ, Ryan Higa, Jenna Marbles, Troye Sivan, Tyler Oakley and basically everyone who has ever appeared on YouTube. 

How often do you do your nails?

At least once a week I think. 

Are you a shopaholic?

The thing is, I would be, if shopping didn't cost money so no, not at all.

How many times have you watched Mean Girls?

like only a few hundred times. 

Do you own a lot of clothes?

I think so, but I never wear them.

Do you take pictures of your food before you eat it?

If it looks really good then yes, and I know it's a bad habit but I can't help myself.

Do you wear makeup everyday?

No, I actually hardly ever wear make up, unless its a very special occasion like going to the Grammy's or the Oscars or whatever.

What are your average grades in school?

B's and some A's

How do you usually style your hair?

Out of the way mostly (does that count as a hairstyle?)

Do you always look presentable?

I like to think I do but hardly ever. Like I look presentable to the kind of people who have never worn a suit in their lives or the kind of people who spend the day in their PJs.

So it seems that I am quite a common white girl which is funny because I am black but that just goes to show: what is race anyway. So, go ahead do the tag and decide whether you are a common white girl or not.

That's all, Bye! :)

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